Tag Archives: social media

Problematic Fans 101.2 – Tips and tactics for handling problematic fans

In part one of this series, I discussed how to distinguish between the various types of problematic fans and the wide range of problematic behaviors. Here, we’ll focus on how you can deal with these problematic fans in ways that are emotionally healthy, physically safe, and bring glory to God. Continue reading


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Problematic Fans 101.1 – How to recognize a problematic fan and identify why they’re problematic

If you consistently follow a performer’s activities and interact with their other fans in person or online, chances are you will encounter a problematic fan. Simply put, a problematic fan is any fan with whom you have a problem. These problems can take a variety of forms, but they usually stem from the following root: their behavior – on social media or in real life – is annoying, upsetting, or downright damaging to you, other fans, or the performer themselves.

So how do you deal with these fans? The first step is identifying the nature of the problem. Taking the time to do this will help you respond appropriately. Please note that such problems can have multiple layers, so you may find that several of the following factors are involved in your particular situation. Continue reading

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Fans, performers, and appropriate social media use: a response to the events surrounding BTS’s New York City concert

Some fans seem to think that their social media interactions with performers occur inside a vacuum and there are no real-life repercussions to what they post about a performer. As the events surrounding BTS’s recent concert in New York City have shown, the consequences can be extremely negative.

Twitter threats on Rap Monster’s life resulted in an early end to the concert, the cancellation of the fan engagement event, and the mobilization of the city police. Though the most serious threats came from an individual who was not a fan, some fans who disagreed with Rap Monster on certain topics expressed their displeasure in ways that may have contributed to the situation. Continue reading

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Why it matters how performers use social media

South Korea experienced a national tragedy last month when the Sewol ferry sank. Of the 476 people who were on board the ferry, 276 have been confirmed dead. The majority of the passengers were students and teachers from Danwon High School in Ansan.

Performers in the South Korean entertainment industry took to their social media accounts, asking their fans to pray for those affected by the disaster and for the nation as a whole. As a result, thousands, if not millions, of people prayed. Continue reading

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