Blog Posts Archives
Spiritual Warfare 101.2: Fighting back with the armor of God
In my previous post, I offered an introduction to spiritual warfare, including why we often become discouraged when we engage in consistent intercessory prayer. The enemy wants to keep us from praying for others effectively and persistently, and he will … Continue reading
Spiritual Warfare 101.1: When persistent prayer gets rough
Paying attention to context is important when reading any book, particularly the Bible. A single verse is certainly meaningful on its own, but considering it within the framework of the verses around it can lead to additional insights. For example, … Continue reading
What to do when you disagree with a performer’s work
It’s happened to most of us at one time or another. Your favorite performer releases their long-awaited new song, but instead of being elated, you find yourself feeling disappointed. Perhaps the song is a departure from their previous work and … Continue reading
Quotes about writing – by writers, for writers
Nothing encourages a writer quite like words from another writer, a fellow warrior in the trenches of wordsmithery. If you’re not fortunate enough to have access to other writers in the form of a writers group or a writing partner, … Continue reading
Why it matters how performers use social media
South Korea experienced a national tragedy last month when the Sewol ferry sank. Of the 476 people who were on board the ferry, 276 have been confirmed dead. The majority of the passengers were students and teachers from Danwon High … Continue reading
A special prayer for healing and hope
The past year has been particularly rough for my community. More than a dozen people of all ages have passed away, many of them due to car accidents and unexpected medical events. There are about five thousand people in my … Continue reading
Need a break from love songs? Try Atom and His Package
Whether it’s a Mozart aria or the latest chart-topping single, the vast majority of songs are about love in some capacity. Every once in a while, it’s refreshing to listen to a song that isn’t about romance or heartbreak. On … Continue reading
Two common mistakes columnists make
I’ve been writing my award-winning humor column, Tete-a-tete, for nearly six years, and I previously worked in a newsroom for a decade. As a result, I have been privy to the work of many lifestyle and humor columnists, as well … Continue reading
Hearkening back to the heyday of indie Christian music
The mid to late 1990s was an incredible time for Christian music. No matter what genre of music you enjoyed listening to – punk, ska, Goth, Celtic – you could find a Christian equivalent. And as a brand-new Christian and … Continue reading
Do I exaggerate in my humor columns?
One of the most frequent comments I get about Tete-a-tete, my humor column, is, “Is everything you write about your family really true?” Yes. Yes it is. To some of my readers, especially those who haven’t had the pleasure of … Continue reading